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Holy Spirit (We Love You)
Holy Spirit (We Love You)


UPPERROOM is a community of believers that values and pursues the manifest presence of God. UPPERROOM is also a praying church that ministers to the heart of the Lord morning, noon, and night fulfilling the greatest commandment to love the Lord our God with all our hearts, souls and minds. Our community is built around this rhythm of life: coming into His presence with thanksgiving and praise, agreeing with who He is through worship and agreeing with what He will do through prayer. This daily Levitical lifestyle transforms us more into His likeness and positions us to go out full of faith in our God and His purposes. As we seek the heart of God together in worship and prayer, new songs of thanksgiving, praise and worship are birthed. These new songs help us to express our hearts to Him. We desire to equip the body of Christ to sing these new songs by providing resources for worship teams in local churches.

May you experience the manifest presence of God as you sing these songs. Blessings.

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