Singing Holy holy Holy is the Lord Almighty worthy All the earth is filled With Your glory glory We give You glory glory. Verse 3. In Your hands You hold the universe At Your feet the nations of the earth All creation glorifies Your name All creation glorifies Your name. Chorus.
We go from glory to glory to glory We'll never be the same We'll never be the same We go from glory to glory to glory We're forever changed Forever changed Verse 3 You call me a friend Brought into Your endless kingdom By the blood I was made No longer a slave And now You're taking us higher
Glory glory glory In the darkest place Glory glory glory Let Your mercy reign. Verse 3. Out of the depths of silent night A Savior born a mother’s sigh The darkness trembled at this Star A beam of hope for troubled hearts. Verse 4.
You are the glory The lifter of my head Your name is Holy Holy You are the Savior My shield and righteousness You are the glory. Breakdown. Glory. Verse 2. More than the security You are the hope I seek You are my King You are my Lord. Pre Chorus. Salvation belongs to our God Salvation belongs to our God.
All glory be to Christ our King All glory be to Christ His rule and reign we’ll ever sing All glory be to Christ Verse 3 When on the day the Great I Am The faithful and the true The Lamb who was for sinner’s slain Is making all things new Behold our God shall live with us And be our steadfast Light And we shall e’er his people be All ...
I got a future glory I know how this thing ends There’s victory in my story I got a future glory. Bridge. Every single struggle Every single pain Soon will be over In Jesus’ name All of our burdens All of the weight Gonna be lifted In Jesus’ name. Chorus.
Sing choirs of angels Sing in exultation Sing all ye citizens Of heav’n above Glory to God oh Glory in the highest. Chorus 1. O come let us adore Him O come let us adore Him O come let us Adore Him Christ the Lord. Verse 3. Yea Lord we greet thee Born this happy morning Jesus to thee Be all glory giv’n Word of the Father Now in flesh appearing.
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