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Audience of ONE! As a singer and songwriter, Graham Guy reminds himself daily that with every song he sings, every song that he writes, and every instrument that he plays, his most important audience is the Lord, the ONE who created us to worship Him.

At 13, through the encouragement of family, friends, and his worship pastor, Graham began voice lessons, picked up a guitar, and never looked back. After teaching himself to play acoustic, electric, bass guitar, and keys, Graham wrote his first worship song at the age of 15. He has been leading worship since the age of 14 and God has given him more opportunities than he could ever imagine. Beginning at his home church in Spartanburg, SC, Graham started leading worship in the youth band and continued with the adult contemporary band and choir. He has led many worship nights, youth events, and now leads worship with a worship team at Liberty University. As a student in Liberty’s Music and Worship Leadership degree program, Graham is growing as a musician, but more importantly, he is growing in his relationship with Christ.
Graham says that he learned from his worship pastor who is his mentor and vocal voach, that, “Staying in God’s Word is the key to knowing Him so that we can know His plan, so I am committed to reading His Word every day.” Whether he is doing homework, playing spikeball with friends, songwriting, or leading worship, Graham is intentional about living loud for Jesus, serving Him with passion, and giving “All Praise 2 Him”. Singing, songwriting, and playing music is Graham’s favorite way to share the gospel. “There is nothing that I would rather do than sing, songwrite, play music, or lead worship. I have been blessed with many opportunities and am so thankful to those who have and continue to pour into me. I can’t wait to see what God has planned, and I am excited for the journey ahead!”

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